Check the background of this financial professional on FINRA's BrokerCheck

Bringing the financial pieces of your life together.™

Welcome to Mindful Financials, LLC, specializing in bringing the financial pieces of your life together.

As personal financial professionals, Tricia Metcalf can:

  • Help you clarify and define your goals
  • Recommend strategies that fit your needs
  • Deliver timely information
  • Explain how changing financial conditions affect you
  • Monitor your financial progress
  • Make investing less complicated

Our website is an information resource designed to help you learn more about personal finance. Click around and you'll find a variety of financial tools. There are financial calculators that can help you get a clearer picture of where you stand and where you're headed. There is a research library and newsletter articles on a wide range of financial topics. You can even request a quote for an insurance or investment product. And check back often, because we're constantly adding new material. If you have a specific question or want more information, click on Contact Us, drop us an e-mail message to Tricia Metcalf at, or call us at 413-572-0944 or 800-498-6144. We're ready to help.

Check the background of this financial professional on FINRA's BrokerCheck